To see the youtube video where I explain this complicated topic in simple words, click here.
What is Object Oriented Programming?
"Object oriented programming" is a style of programming where things are modeled as objects that have certain features and attributes that describe them, and actions that they can perform. For example, animals have names and a certain amount of legs, and they're also able to make sounds. In our code, we would create an Animal class that has variables and methods to model this behavior.
However, the trick that makes object oriented programming work well is by having hierarchies of classes to save on lines of code, while also remember to include all the features and methods that are necessary to describe the object. For example, if we wanted to make classes for Dogs, Cats, Squirrels, Horses, Zebras, Pandas, and Centipedes...they're all animals and have similar characteristics that we'd use to describe them, but it would be inconvenient to have to write the same lines of code for including those similar features in each individual class. Instead, we can create a base Animal class with the characteristics that all animals have, and we can create derived classes for each individual animal that will inherit from the base class, so that the derived classes also have the features and methods that the base class has. A Brief Warmup - (Base) Class Example
If you don't already know what classes are or how they work in C++, then look at the tutorial where we go over classes, templates, and custom data structures, as it explains how classes work very well.
For now, we start with a simple base class, and test it out.
As you can see, we have a fish class with two attributes, name and hasScales, and there's one public method available named Swim. We declare the name and hasScales variables as protected, meaning they're private, but derived classes can access them (as we'll see in the next section).
A Derived Class: It Inherits From The Base Class
So Fish is our base class, but there are many kinds of fish: goldfish, salmon, tuna, sharks, whales, and even eels! A lot of aquatic animals fall under the category of "fish".
We're going to create a class called Tuna that inherits from the Fish class.
You can see the syntax for inheritance, just use a semicolon and the base classes name. The public keyword allows the derived class to use public methods from the base class. (Take away the public keyword in line 25, and the "tuna.Swim()" on line 65 will throw an error.
The Virtual Keyword
So far, our derived class was really simple. But what happens if we want to override one of the methods in the base class? For example, our Fish class says that fish swim by "using fins to paddle forward", but Eels don't have fins...they swim by wiggling their body. How can we compensate for this?
The answer is the virtual keyword. The virtual keyword allows a derived class to override the base class's method definition with its own. In our case, we're adding the virtual keyword to line 13 in our base Fish class for the Swim method, and we'll override that method in our Eel derived class. Here's the code:
You can see that the Eel object named eel will use the Swim method with it's own definition ("wiggles body") when used normally. However, that would have happened even if the virtual keyword wasn't there.
The reason to use the virtual keyword is so that if you pass an object to a function, the function can accept the base class as the parameter, but use the derived class's overridden definition. If this doesn't make sense, watch the video where I explain it. Abstract Classes: Pure Virtual Functions
The final thing we need to know about is the concept of abstract classes. An abstract class is one with an incomplete method definition. For example, we might have all Fish eat, but different fish eat different things, and it doesn't make sense to create a default definition for an Eat method and overriding it: it makes better sense to let each individual fish derived class define an Eat method themselves.
So we'll create an Eat method in the Fish class, but we use a pure virtual function and we don't write an Eat definition. Basically, this means that all derived classes MUST define the Eat method themselves, or the compiler will throw an error.
As you can see, a "pure" virtual function just has an "= 0" at the end of it's prototype in the class definition. It means that the GoldFish and Shark derived classes HAVE to have a definition for the "Eat" method.
With this knowledge (on top of using classes in the previous article), you're an expert at object oriented programming! Congrats.
When modelling objects and larger projects, always keep in mind hierarchies of descriptions so that you can write as little code as possible. It seems pointless for small projects, but for very very large projects, planning the architecture, classes, and objects is more important than the coding itself.
To see the youtube video where I explain this complicated topic in simple words, watch this video:
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AuthorHi, I'm srcmake. I play video games and develop software. Pro-tip: Click the "DIRECTORY" button in the menu to find a list of blog posts.
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