Blog Post Directory
There are quite a number of blog posts on this website, and navigating through them by date would be annoying, so this page will hold a link to each blog page, separated by category.
h4cker Blog Posts
How The Internet Works (Simple Version) 1-11-2018
What Are DLL Files? Let's Go Through An Example! - 12/12/2017
What Is a Make File? How To Make One - 12/21/2017
What Is a VPN? How Do They Work? Setting Up Our Own - 12/30/2017
How The Internet Works (Simple Version) 1-11-2018
What Are DLL Files? Let's Go Through An Example! - 12/12/2017
What Is a Make File? How To Make One - 12/21/2017
What Is a VPN? How Do They Work? Setting Up Our Own - 12/30/2017
Virtual Machines, Virtual Environments, and Docker
How To Use a Python Virtual Environment - 12/21/2017
What Is Docker? Only The Necessary Commands - 12/25/2017
Dockerizing A Project - 5/18/2020
How To Use a Python Virtual Environment - 12/21/2017
What Is Docker? Only The Necessary Commands - 12/25/2017
Dockerizing A Project - 5/18/2020
DevOps - Git and Continuous Integration/Deployment
How To Create And Deploy A Git Patch File - 12/19/2017
What Are Git Pull Requests? How To Raise One - 1/5/2018
Bitbucket Pull Requests: The Fork Way, and The Branch Way - 2/15/2019
Editing A Bitbucket Pull Request (And Squashing Git Commits) - 2/15/2019
Git Cherry-Picking (Copying Commits From One Branch To Another) Tutorial + Demo - 6/29/2019
Continuous Integration With GitLab In 20 Minutes - An Easy Introduction - 2/22/2018
[CI/CD] CircleCI Tutorial + Demo - 7/6/2020
How To Create And Deploy A Git Patch File - 12/19/2017
What Are Git Pull Requests? How To Raise One - 1/5/2018
Bitbucket Pull Requests: The Fork Way, and The Branch Way - 2/15/2019
Editing A Bitbucket Pull Request (And Squashing Git Commits) - 2/15/2019
Git Cherry-Picking (Copying Commits From One Branch To Another) Tutorial + Demo - 6/29/2019
Continuous Integration With GitLab In 20 Minutes - An Easy Introduction - 2/22/2018
[CI/CD] CircleCI Tutorial + Demo - 7/6/2020
C++ Coding
The C++ Data Structure Cheat Sheet - 1/4/2018
C++ Pointer and Reference Tutorial - 9/8/2018
C++ Class, Template, and Custom Data Structure Guide - 1/13/2018
C++ Object Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Virtual Functions Tutorial - 1/27/2017
C++ Move Semantics and R-Value References Explained Simply - 10/13/2018
What Is Multithreading? A C++ Multithreading Example. - 12/15/2017
C++ Multithreading - Advanced Guide - 1/21/2018
How To Install/Use Google C++ Test Framework - 3/7/2018
C++ Debugging - How To Use GDB [Code + Command Line Walkthrough] - 3/28/2018
Linked List Tutorial - Singly, Doubly, and C++ Code - 9/4/2018
C++ RAII, Shared Pointers, Unique Pointers - 11/9/2018
C++ Error Handling, Exceptions, Try-Catch Tutorial - 11/16/2018
C++ Pairs, Lambda Expressions, and Iterators Tutorial - 12/12/2018
The C++ Data Structure Cheat Sheet - 1/4/2018
C++ Pointer and Reference Tutorial - 9/8/2018
C++ Class, Template, and Custom Data Structure Guide - 1/13/2018
C++ Object Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Virtual Functions Tutorial - 1/27/2017
C++ Move Semantics and R-Value References Explained Simply - 10/13/2018
What Is Multithreading? A C++ Multithreading Example. - 12/15/2017
C++ Multithreading - Advanced Guide - 1/21/2018
How To Install/Use Google C++ Test Framework - 3/7/2018
C++ Debugging - How To Use GDB [Code + Command Line Walkthrough] - 3/28/2018
Linked List Tutorial - Singly, Doubly, and C++ Code - 9/4/2018
C++ RAII, Shared Pointers, Unique Pointers - 11/9/2018
C++ Error Handling, Exceptions, Try-Catch Tutorial - 11/16/2018
C++ Pairs, Lambda Expressions, and Iterators Tutorial - 12/12/2018
C++ BFS/DFS Code Implementation Tutorial - 4/3/2018
C++ Shortest Path - Dijkstra PQ Implementation, Bellman-Ford Code As Backup, and Floyd Warshall - 4/5/2018
C++ Ford Fulkerson Algorithm for Maximum Flow - 4/8/2018
C++ Graph Connected Components and Cycles - 4/13/2018
Trees- Regular, Binary, Binary Search, Traversal (with C++ Code) - 8/29/2018
Converting A Binary Tree To a Doubly Linked List (C++ Code) - 9/7/2019
[Data Structure] Bloom Filter - Kind of Like A Hash Map - 11/13/2019
[Tips and Tricks] Sorting with Custom Comparators (with a Leetcode Problem) - 3/3/2020
[Tips and Tricks] Encoding Matrix Positions - 3/5/2020
[Data Structures] C++ Priority Queue with Custom Comparator - 3/16/2020
[Data Structures] Tries (with Full Code) - 4/27/2020
[Algorithm Technique] Backtracking + The Boggle Problem - 5/4/2020
C++ BFS/DFS Code Implementation Tutorial - 4/3/2018
C++ Shortest Path - Dijkstra PQ Implementation, Bellman-Ford Code As Backup, and Floyd Warshall - 4/5/2018
C++ Ford Fulkerson Algorithm for Maximum Flow - 4/8/2018
C++ Graph Connected Components and Cycles - 4/13/2018
Trees- Regular, Binary, Binary Search, Traversal (with C++ Code) - 8/29/2018
Converting A Binary Tree To a Doubly Linked List (C++ Code) - 9/7/2019
[Data Structure] Bloom Filter - Kind of Like A Hash Map - 11/13/2019
[Tips and Tricks] Sorting with Custom Comparators (with a Leetcode Problem) - 3/3/2020
[Tips and Tricks] Encoding Matrix Positions - 3/5/2020
[Data Structures] C++ Priority Queue with Custom Comparator - 3/16/2020
[Data Structures] Tries (with Full Code) - 4/27/2020
[Algorithm Technique] Backtracking + The Boggle Problem - 5/4/2020
Algorithms (Interview Questions)
Which Sorting Algorithm Is Best? (With C++ Code) - 8/25/2018
Move Zeroes To End Of Array - 10/20/2019
Finding The Next Greater Element In An Array - 2/16/2020
Find The Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) In A Binary (Search) Tree (Both BT and BST Solutions) - 3/1/2020
Zombies In A Matrix (Also On Leetcode) - 3/15/2020
Reverse A Linked List - 3 Difficulties (on Leetcode) - 3/29/2020
N Queens w/ Backtracking (Leetcode Hard) - 5/20/2020
Reverse Integer (on Leetcode) w/ Binary Number Explanation - 5/24/2020
[Algorithm] Classic 0/1 Knapsack Problem - Dynamic Programming Solution (with C++ Code) - 10/16/2020
Which Sorting Algorithm Is Best? (With C++ Code) - 8/25/2018
Move Zeroes To End Of Array - 10/20/2019
Finding The Next Greater Element In An Array - 2/16/2020
Find The Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) In A Binary (Search) Tree (Both BT and BST Solutions) - 3/1/2020
Zombies In A Matrix (Also On Leetcode) - 3/15/2020
Reverse A Linked List - 3 Difficulties (on Leetcode) - 3/29/2020
N Queens w/ Backtracking (Leetcode Hard) - 5/20/2020
Reverse Integer (on Leetcode) w/ Binary Number Explanation - 5/24/2020
[Algorithm] Classic 0/1 Knapsack Problem - Dynamic Programming Solution (with C++ Code) - 10/16/2020
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum - Explained With 10 Simple Questions - 4/22/2018
Hyperledger Iroha Tutorial - Getting Started Guide - 4/24/2018
Hyperledger Fabric Getting Started Tutorial + Installation Guide - 6/22/2018
Hyperledger Composer Introduction and Playground Tutorial (with Demo Code) 8/20/2018
Deploying A Smart Contract To The Ethereum Blockchain Using Mist - Install + Code - 6/1/2018
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum - Explained With 10 Simple Questions - 4/22/2018
Hyperledger Iroha Tutorial - Getting Started Guide - 4/24/2018
Hyperledger Fabric Getting Started Tutorial + Installation Guide - 6/22/2018
Hyperledger Composer Introduction and Playground Tutorial (with Demo Code) 8/20/2018
Deploying A Smart Contract To The Ethereum Blockchain Using Mist - Install + Code - 6/1/2018
How To Make An API
How To Make An API - Complete Guide - 1/27/2018
How To Use Swagger: Planning For An API - 1/30/2018
How To Make An API Using NodeJS - 2/7/2018
How To Make An API Using Java - 2/7/2018
How To Use Postman To Test APIs - 2/7/2018
The Paladins/Smite API - 3/22/2018
How To Make An API - Complete Guide - 1/27/2018
How To Use Swagger: Planning For An API - 1/30/2018
How To Make An API Using NodeJS - 2/7/2018
How To Make An API Using Java - 2/7/2018
How To Use Postman To Test APIs - 2/7/2018
The Paladins/Smite API - 3/22/2018
Web Development
Making a Chrome Extension - Hello World - 1/16/2018
Making Our Own FireFox Extension/Addon: Hello World - 1/20/2018
Installing Selenium (Python) and Chromedriver on Ubuntu To Scrape Webpages - 3/5/2018
Making a Chrome Extension - Hello World - 1/16/2018
Making Our Own FireFox Extension/Addon: Hello World - 1/20/2018
Installing Selenium (Python) and Chromedriver on Ubuntu To Scrape Webpages - 3/5/2018
SQL and MySQL Tutorial - Cheat Sheet Version - 2/1/2018
NoSQL and MongoDB Tutorial - Quick Cheat Sheet - 2/17/2018
Redis Tutorial - Introduction To Redis "Databases" (For Beginners) - 5/17/2018
SQL and MySQL Tutorial - Cheat Sheet Version - 2/1/2018
NoSQL and MongoDB Tutorial - Quick Cheat Sheet - 2/17/2018
Redis Tutorial - Introduction To Redis "Databases" (For Beginners) - 5/17/2018
Actian Vector
How To Use Actian Vector, The High Performance Database - 3/15/2018
Actian Vector - Local Installation, Data Loading, and Querying - 3/15/2018
Actian Vector Data Visualization Dashboard - 3/23/2018
How To Use Actian Vector, The High Performance Database - 3/15/2018
Actian Vector - Local Installation, Data Loading, and Querying - 3/15/2018
Actian Vector Data Visualization Dashboard - 3/23/2018
Machine Learning
Introduction To Machine Learning - Real Talk - 2/22/2018
A Beginner Machine Learning Coding Example - 2/24/2018
Introduction To Machine Learning - Real Talk - 2/22/2018
A Beginner Machine Learning Coding Example - 2/24/2018
IBM Watson/Bluemix
Getting Started With IBM Watson: Tone Analyzer - Code Example 2/11/2018
IBM Watson: Visual Recognition - Code Example - 2/19/2018
IBM Watson: Personality Insights - Code Example - 2/19/2018
Getting Started With IBM Watson: Tone Analyzer - Code Example 2/11/2018
IBM Watson: Visual Recognition - Code Example - 2/19/2018
IBM Watson: Personality Insights - Code Example - 2/19/2018
Events Attended
AWS Summit 2017 (New York) - 8/14/2017
New York TechDay 2018 - 5/10/2018
Blockchain Tech Summit 2018 - 5/10/2018
AWS Summit 2017 (New York) - 8/14/2017
New York TechDay 2018 - 5/10/2018
Blockchain Tech Summit 2018 - 5/10/2018